The Crossroads Program stays with you forever.
Info Enthusiastic Sobriety Abuse Info Enthusiastic Sobriety Abuse

The Crossroads Program stays with you forever.

The Crossroads Program Survivor Story: 2016 - 2017

I was in the Crossroads program in Columbia, Missouri from the summer of 2016 to April Fools of 2017. I had known people who went through Crossroads and had really great things to say about it. Intensive outpatient was ideal, because I wanted to continue getting my bachelors degree. I met with the head counselor, who made it immediately seem he understood the way I was feeling.

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I Never Received the Help I Needed.
Info Enthusiastic Sobriety Abuse Info Enthusiastic Sobriety Abuse

I Never Received the Help I Needed.

The Cornerstone Program Survivor Story: 2007 - 2012

My mother found the Cornerstone when I was 13. I had two previous psych hospitalizations for my mental health and they were not going to release me without an Outpatient program in place. Basically, the only place available because of my age was Cornerstone. My mother was able to take me on a day trip from the hospital to see Cornerstone. I was so young and all the freedom seemed so exciting.

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The Group is a drug I’m still withdrawing from.
Info Enthusiastic Sobriety Abuse Info Enthusiastic Sobriety Abuse

The Group is a drug I’m still withdrawing from.

The Cornerstone Program Survivor Story: 2011 - 2013

I remember sitting in the lobby of Cornerstone in January of 2011. Arms crossed like I didn’t want to be there. The truth was, I did, and that was even before I was love-bombed. I was losing friends, I hated my school, and my parents were keeping close tabs on me. Then, when the kids came running through the hallway, so excited to see me, to show me around, to get to know me, to give me cigarettes, my dreams came true. No one was going to take me away.

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