The Meehan Institute for Counselor Training
Staff Training Stories.
“So when I was finally tapped on the shoulder, I shelled out $5800 to the program and was soon sent off to Georgia. I remember all of my friends surrounding me at the airport. They told me I was going to do God’s work, that this is what I was made for. I thoroughly believed it. I thought this would be the beginning of the best parts of my life. A new happiness and freedom I had yet to know.” - 2019 Insight Staff Survivor
“The program’s idolatry of itself is most perhaps present in counseling training, as preparation for certification was treated only as a means to an end or, likewise, a necessary condition to gain the trust of the concerned parents walking through the doors of any given program throughout the country. In other words, the information required to pass the state-mandated test was only important for the reason that it would provide staff members with letters behind our names that might satisfy a parent’s concerns that we’re unqualified (we were). The majority of this information, as we were frequently told, would never under any circumstances actually be used. Instead, it was the ideas originating from Meehan, most of which were quite frankly disturbing, that would take up most of the training.” - 2019 Pathway Staff Survivor
The Meehan Institute for Counselor Training Application Packet
“The Meehan institute admits students of any race, color, nationality or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, nationality or ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, scholarship, loan programs and other school-administered programs. The Meehan Institute is an equal opportunity employer.*”
*Please note that sex, gender, sexual orientation and disabilities are NOT included in this statement that is written in the Training Application Packet or Training Manual.
2020 Staff Survivor Story
I had $11,000 in my college fund. $5,800 went to training. $200ish went to books. $600 per month for rent (and that was sharing a 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom house with seven people). Groceries. Gas. Functions. We were required to drive to North Carolina several times to work there unpaid and on our own dime.
I blew through my entire savings half way through training and that was with shopping discount and living off McDonald’s. My Grandma had to send me an additional $2,000 to get me through. $13,000 total for training. Then I had to pay for plane tickets home to see my family for a couple of days, plane tickets back, a moving truck to move my things to Step 1.
I had to buy a new bed, furniture, all second hand. Then work for three weeks without pay until my first paycheck finally arrived. At this point, we still weren’t told what our pay was until this first paycheck. I remember getting my check for less than $600 for three weeks of work and thinking to myself “I am so fucked.”
We weren’t allowed to get second jobs because we were on call 24/7 unpaid and working 7 days a week, even if not scheduled for 7 days a week. And the certification I got at the Meehan Institute won’t transfer anywhere else, because of the age I was when I got them. They’re useless pieces of paper now - and they took my entire college fund.
Tuition Costs for The Meehan Institute is $5,800.00 and does not include textbooks, housing or food. The certification received can be achieved directly through Georgia State for approximately $500.
Excerpt from The Meehan Training Manual:
The Meehan Institute is a program designed for Individuals interested in a counseling career and learning in an enthusiastic environment. The Meehan Institute has been providing training since 1992.
The Meehan Institute is an approved NAADAC, GACA, and ADACB-GA education provider and its students gain many of the classroom hours required for certification in most states.
A unique characteristic of The Meehan Institute is the opportunity students have to gain valuable experience while participating in the training program. Working in conjunction with The Insight Program in Georgia, students “shadow” staff members in individual and group counseling situations. This gives the students a feel for counseling while in training.
The Meehan Institute does not guarantee that all students will gain employment.
“On the day we were supposed to learn about HIV and AIDS, Glenn quickly told us that they result from gay sex, that we weren’t going to learn about it and could get the hours elsewhere - and put on a Bob video instead”
— Pathway Staff Survivor
“We also had days in training where we talked about how anything bad that happened to you you spiritually attracted (rape, illness, abuse) and being apart of the LGBTQ community is just attention seeking or the result of watching porn.”
— Insight Staff Survivor
Prelude to Intervention
Penned by Paul Michael Weiland, CRADC, ICADC, Program Director of The Crossroads Program in St. Louis, Missouri.
As included in the 2015 Meehan Institute for Counselor Training Manual, along with training tuition, required readings, and application checklist.
In this instruction manual, Mike Weiland refers to parents as “Bitches and Bastards” and advises Staff how to acquire “guilt checks” from parents, usually by convincing parents to send kids to residential treatment like Step 2 Recovery or Step 1 Sober Living.
Training Days with Joy Meehan:
“Joy Meehan hypnotized me and then talked to me about the Civil War and how it wasn't about slavery. She continued to talk about the South and how great it was and put down People of Color.”
— Insight Staff Survivor
“I participated in hypnosis classes with Joy Meehan. I witnessed her using hypnosis techniques on people without their knowledge.”
— Pathway Director Survivor

Staff Credentials Explained.
Read the 2005 article from Tucson Weekly where Staff Survivors allege The Program forges their clinical hours to be licensed by the state.
“Counselors must file paperwork with the state showing they have had at least 40 hours of training every two years. Former employees who have left the program confirmed that Pathway staff was instructed by management to regularly forge the forms that are required for license renewal. These forms are checked by the Arizona Board of Medical Examiners.”
The CAC is the GACA’s most basic credential for people who hold a high school diploma or who have passed the General Education Development (GED) tests. This is universally considered an “entry level” certification.
Educational Requirements: High School Diploma or GED
Cost for CAC Application: $450
Certified Addiction Counselor Level II (CAC II) is defined as a counselor who may conduct addiction treatment services independently and may perform the complete range of duties associated with addiction treatment, with the exception of clinical supervision.
Educational Requirements: Bachelor’s Degree or higher.*
Cost of Application: $450
*The GACA Board of Directors approved changes to the certification policies and procedures in accordance with ethical, professional and legal standards. All counselors in good standing as of March 31, 2019, will be grandfathered and exempt from new requirements.
Certified Clinical Supervisor (CCS) requires a CAC II or higher certification. A CCS is the highest level of certification in Georgia. At this point, the counselor may supervise other counselors who are working their way towards their certification, run their own practice, and oversee patients’ treatment.
Education Requirements: Bachelor’s Degree or CAC II Certification
Cost of Application: $175
The highest level of certification attainable in the state of Arizona as a substance abuse counselor is Licensed Independent Substance Abuse Counselor. At this level, one can practice independently without a supervisor.
Educational Requirements: Master’s Degree or higher*
Cost of Application: $325
*The Arizona Board of Behavioral Health Examiners approved changes to the certification policies and procedures in accordance with ethical, professional and legal standards. All counselors in good standing as of November 1st, 2015, will be grandfathered and exempt from new requirements.
The CADC is a nonrecripocal credential for substance abuse professionals who are at the early stages of their careers. Candidates must have education at the high school (or GED) level.
The CRADC credential is reciprocal with participating IC&RC boards. It does not require a college degree.
The ADC credential is designed to be an entry-level credential and covers the basics of addiction counseling.
An Internationally Certified Alcohol and Drug Counsellor is a person primarily involved in assessing individuals who are experiencing problematic substance use, and then providing recommendations re a course of treatment.Educational Requirements: Confirm eligibility for an International Certificate with local licensing board.
Educational Requirements: Confirm eligibility for an International Certificate with local licensing board.
Cost of Certificate: $30
Bob Meehan Counselor Training Videos
“We had one specific day of “Bob Videos” towards the end of training. We spent all day watching those videos, besides our lunch break. Our trainer actually prefaced before we watched the videos that Bob came from “another time” and was pretty racist, so ignore all the racial slurs. It was a combination of videos of him in previous training classes, from what I remember, talking about the importance of having fun in sobriety and relating to teenagers. How we needed to be selfless, etc. He referenced his own books the entire time. My training class was the last class to see Bob in person and get a lecture from him, and Glenn Schendel has the entire thing recorded somewhere. He met us individually with cameras all over the room and basically just reiterated the main topics from his books that he’d written. Just promoting himself the entire time. There wasn’t a lot of substance behind them at all.”
- Staff Training Class of 2019 Survivor.
Bob Meehan during a training session at The Meehan Institute for Counselor Training, tells his trainees to “forget what you are taught about ethics.”
Bob Meehan extolls his overtly racist views to his counselor trainees. This palpable racism bleeds into the fundamental doctrine of Enthusiastic Sobriety.
Bob Meehan elaborates on his relationship with his parents and encourages his counselor trainees to cut ties and distance themselves from their families.
Bob Meehan interrupts his training session to counsel a trainee with a history of disordered eating.
Staff Salaries, Hours & Living Conditions
2020 Step 2 Staff Schedule. This Staff survivor reiterated that shifts that “start” at 5pm actually are expected to be there at 2pm. Staff are required to wait 30+ minutes after their shift before leaving, as to not make clients feel that Staff are only there for their paycheck.
Staff working at Step 2 have the lowest paid jobs, but their living expenses are “covered” as they live on-site at the Step 2 and Step 1 residential locations.
The Step 1 Staff living conditions. This Staff survivor took this picture when they were first assigned their bedroom - this is what they walked into and why their pay was garnished. The cost of Step 1 Recovery is $15,000.00.
Staff are required to show up to their shifts, 2-3 hours early to thoroughly clean the Shop, Office or Step 2 / Step 1 House - unpaid.
The costs and expectations outlined in the 2015 Meehan Institute Training Application Packet.
2018 Staff Salary working on average 60 - 110 hours a week. This Staff survivor rented a room from a house that their employer, a Program Director, owned and was charged $400 a month in rent.
The Crossroads Program Job Description for an Associate Counselor. Please note under Community and Professional Responsibilities, number 3: Available on a 24 hour basis to serve the needs of clients.
2020 Staff Survivor:
It’s also worth noting even though we were only scheduled roughly 60-80 hours on paper per week, we had to come early to each shift (unpaid) and stay late (also unpaid).
On our days off, we were expected to attend all meetings, functions and coffee. Again, unpaid and with our own gas money. If you had free time during the day, you were expected to be “hanging out at the shop” to entertain and talk to people, once again - unpaid.
If we weren’t scheduled to work on Friday or Saturday, we were still required to go to the functions which included paying to attend them out of pocket. You could get fired if you didn’t show up. You had to be there, 7 days a week, pay to be at functions while offering one-on-one counseling services at all times. Unpaid.
An Open Letter to Current Staff Members
This message is for anyone who may be on the fence, who may be having thoughts about getting out, or simply curious about exploring a way out.
When I left, I wish someone had sent this message to me. A message of support, and hope. That you can leave and you will not die.
From a 2009 Staff Survivor

“It was just terrorizing to be a staff member. I have not heard from any staff survivors who have fond memories of Purpose although everyone on staff acted like they were excited for Purpose that night. This level of fear, scare tactics, and forced vulnerability is what further confirms these groups are cults.”
-The Crossroads Program Staff Survivor, 2002-2010
Share Your Story
If you have a story to tell, a perspective to share, or a message for current staff members, parents or group kids - please submit your story to us.
Anonymity will always be the default to our story story telling, unless with explicit permission from survivors to share their photo from their time in The Program.
Enthusiastic Sobriety Program Data
Over 20 former Staff have participated in the Anonymous Mass Complaint Form. Please look through the results for each state.
For Current Staff Members
We are here for you if you are looking for a way out, or just need a different perspective. We have an entire survivor community support network with former Staff who are willing to talk and listen.
Am I working for a cult?
Cults or high control groups are unfortunately very common and their main modes of undue influence is controlling member’s behavior, information access, critical thinking, and emotional responses.