How You Can Help Take Action Against Enthusiastic Sobriety Programs.
ESAAlliance needs every Enthusiastic Sobriety Survivor to fill out the Anonymous Mass Complaint Form!
File A Complaint Against Your Enthusiastic Sobriety Program.
This Anonymous Mass Complaint Form is open to all survivors of a Bob Meehan affiliated program. The intent of this complaint is to report abuses and ethical violations to state addiction counseling licensing boards and other governmental oversight agencies, as well as illustrate the trends and consistencies of abuses throughout the decades and across the country.
Anonymous Mass Complaint Form FAQ
This is for every group and staff survivor from a Meehan affiliated Enthusiastic Sobriety Program / Alternative Peer Group.
You can be a survivor from an already closed program, a current member of the group, or someone who was there for several years or only a few weeks.
We have collected complaints from survivors from the 1970s to members currently in the program.
If you are a group or staff survivor or a current member, please fill out the anonymous mass complaint form!
Your complaint will be submitted to the State Addiction Counseling Licensing Boards for every program you attended or were employed. For example, if you went to The Crossroads Program in Missouri for Outpatient and was sent to Step 2 Recovery in Arizona, your complaint will be submitted to both the Missouri and Arizona licensing boards. The same thing is applied to Staff survivors. We will be sending your complaint to every state you attended as a client, as well as each state you worked in as a Staff member.
Your anonymous data will also be compiled along with every other survivor from your state(s) and posted on our website under the Program Data page.
Non-identifying write-in responses are anonymously quoted to relevant topics throughout our Survivor Support Pages and our social media.
Fill it out ASAP!
We have already begun the reporting process in certain states - but we will be accepting complaints until these programs are closed.
We aim to collect these complaints and submit them in bulk to state agencies. We currently have over 250 complaints from survivors in AZ, CA, CO, GA, KS, MO, NC and TX.
Please fill it out as soon as you get a chance. This will help us prepare and organize the complaints for when we report to each state.
If you are from a state where the reporting process has already begun - do not worry, yours will be added and your complaint will be heard!
The questions are primarily multiple choice or check boxes in order to be more trauma sensitive. Each section of questions also has room for write-in explanations. The sections are:
Basic Information
Physical Events
Sexual / Inappropriate Events
Emotional / Psychological Events
Health Related Events
Discriminatory Events
Undue Influence Implications
Long Term Implications
Comments & Contact
All questions are optional except for a few in the Basic Information and Comments and Contact section.
It’s pretty thorough. On average, it can take 30 - 40 minutes. It is best to try and fill it out on a computer than a tablet or phone. This is so you can leave the complaint form open on a browser and take breaks.
There is no way to save your progress on the complaint form, so folks who have attempted to fill it out via phone or tablet have often lost their work and had to start over.
The only way your responses are saved is when you hit submit at the end of the form.
Yes! Only two people on the ESAAlliance Board of Directors have access to this complaint form.
We do collect emails - but names are optional.
If you would like to take an extra step to protect your anonymity entirely, create a burner email address that doesn’t include your name.
No - it’s a one time thing.
If you feel that you forgot something, or would like to say more in your complaint - email liz@esaalliance.org and we will make sure your additional testimony will be included in the reporting process.
Unfortunately, no. This complaint form is geared towards group and staff survivors.
However, we do have an option for parents to submit an official complaint with our individual ethical complaint forms.
STEP TWO RECOVERY CENTER: Intent to Revoke License
In 2023, ESAAlliance submitted a complaints to Arizona Behavioral Health Licensing which prompted an investigation by AZDHS. Step Two Recovery Center was found with 19 violations during the probe. Learn more about the investigation and what's being done about it.

Request Your Records
Disclaimer: Medical record retention laws by the state may vary. Records are typically destroyed 7 - 10 years after discharge from OP.
Specifically point out: intake assessment, Outpatient records, individual staff meetings, S1/S2 and aftercare. The Full Circle programs may not have any records of your participation.
Copy, paste, and complete this request letter to the program’s records department or any other applicable contact.
info@thecornerstoneprogram.com (Colorado)
Volunteer for the Survivor Community Support Network
Join the Survivor Community Support Network to be on the contact list for Enthusiastic Sobriety Survivors. This is open to Group, Staff & Parent Survivors who are willing to talk and listen to folks who are either currently in The Program or have left and need an understanding ear or a safe person to ask questions about The Group.
Volunteer to Speak to the Media
We are compiling a list of Group, Staff and Parent Survivors who are willing to speak to the media. We will only contact you with information on media opportunities for you to reach out to directly.
Journalists and Media Organizations can respect the request for anonymity.
Referral Outreach
We are compiling a list of organizations, facilities, schools and therapists who refer clients to The Group. With the information provided, we will reach out to those who have Enthusiastic Sobriety Programs on their referral lists.
Tell Your Story
Share your story to help other survivors feel heard, seen and understood. We aim to expose the consistent patterns of abuses in Enthusiastic Sobriety Programs and prevent potential families from years of suffering from undue influence and abuse under the guise of drug and alcohol treatment. Enthusiastic Sobriety Survivor stories can be submitted anonymously by former group members, staff and families.
Submit a Tip
Please fill out this form to submit an anonymous tip about a current or recent situation, incident or concern that has occurred at an Enthusiastic Sobriety Program, group hangout, or function.
Parents, Staff, former and current group members are encouraged to utilize this form to send us tips about current or recent situations in Enthusiastic Sobriety Programs.

ESAAlliance is a volunteer based nonprofit organization.
We cover our own operating costs; however, if you would like the opportunity to contribute - you can donate here!
Report Abuse to State Agencies
ESAAlliance is collecting complaints and testimonies through the Anonymous Mass Complaint Form to submit to all addiction counseling licensing boards and governmental oversight agencies. However, if you would like to file an individual report directly to state agencies, please do so below. Every effort to report these abusive adolescent drug programs matters. This is also the most direct and effective manner for Parents, therapists of survivors and others to file complaints about Enthusiastic Sobriety Programs.
Call 1-888-SOS-CHILD (1-888-767-2445)
Community Care facility: 1-844-LET US NO – 1-844-538-8766
Email: letusno@dss.ca.gov
To share feedback about services that are designated or licensed by the Office of Behavioral Health, send an email to cdhs_obhfeedback@state.co.us or call 303.866.7191.
To file a complaint with the Ombudsman for Behavioral Health Access to Care, send an email to CDHS_Ombudsman_BH@state.co.us or call 303.866.2789.
Reporting Child Abuse by calling 1-844-CO-4-KIDS (844-264-5437)
Reporting Child Abuse by calling 1-800-962-2873
Reporting Child Abuse by calling 1.855.GACHILD (+1 855-422-4453)
Reporting Child Abuse by calling 1-800-922-5330
Reporting Child Abuse by calling 1-800-252-5400
Mandatory Reporting Information by State
Who is a Mandated Reporter in Arizona?
Counselors who develop the reasonable belief in the course of treating a patient, subject to the carve-outs in "Anything else I should know?"
Members of the clergy, priests or Christian Science practitioners subject to the carve-outs in "Anything else I should know?"
Any other person who has responsibility for the care or treatment of a minor
Who is a Mandated Reporter in California?
Alcohol or drug counselors (i.e., persons providing counseling, therapy, or other clinical services for a state licensed or certified drug, alcohol, or drug and alcohol treatment program)
Administrators or employees of a public or private youth organization;
Administrators, board members, or employees of a public or private organization whose duties require direct contact and supervision of children
Who is a Mandated Reporter in Colorado?
Licensed professional counselors;
Unlicensed psychotherapists;
Clergy members;
Mental health professionals;
Who is a Mandated Reporter in Florida?
Healthcare professional or mental health professionals;
Practitioners who rely solely on spiritual means for healing;
Any person who knows or has or reasonable cause to suspect that a child is the victim of childhood sexual abuse
Who is a Mandated Reporter in Georgia?
Child-counseling personnel
Professional counselors, social workers, or marriage and family therapists licensed pursuant to Chapter 10A of Title 43;
Child service organization personnel;
Who is a Mandated Reporter in Kansas?
Registered alcohol and drug abuse counselors;
Licensed professional counselors;
Who is a Mandated Reporter in Missouri?
Any person with responsibility for the care of children.
North Carolina
Who is a Mandated Reporter in North Carolina?
Any person or institution.
Who is a Mandated Reporter in Texas?
Any person or “Professional”

QR Code Stickers
Enthusiastic Sobriety Abuse Alliance, Inc. (ESAAlliance) is a volunteer based, survivor-lead nonprofit organization. Our mission is to spread awareness of the patterns of abuses in Enthusiastic Sobriety Teen Drug and Alcohol Rehab Programs in order to protect potential families from years of abuse. Each QR Code sticker is uniquely linked to news articles and videos featuring Enthusiastic Sobriety Programs, Enthusiastic Sobriety Abuse social media accounts, The Group Documentary and more. ESAAlliance is not responsible for placement of QR Codes. User discretion is advised.