Rock Bottom Was The Only Answer
Palmer Drug Abuse Program Survivor Story: 2015 - 2016
A majority of PDAP was the "younger group" which was comprised of the ages 12-17 years old, literal children, being told that their experimentation with drugs and alcohol labeled them addicts and hopeless without intervention. Not one bit of harm prevention is taught, just fear mongering that using will inevitably kill you.

The “Cure” Will Do More Damage Than The Disease
Palmer Drug Abuse Program Survivor Story: 1975 - 1980
I was one of the very first kids involved with PDAP when it came to Denver Colorado in 1975. I spent 5 years in the program and I had a lot of good times. I felt like I was "sticking with winners in order to grow." I was surrounded by my friends. I lived with PDAPers, hung out every evening with PDAPers.