Enthusiastic Sobriety Enablers
Although they’re often seen as lone predators - charismatic cult leaders, strict authoritarians - manipulative spiritual leaders cannot function without enablers. Enablers are those who support abusive leaders by excusing their behavior, legitimizing or normalizing abuse, and/or abusing others to preserve a leader’s power.
The Only Way.
The Insight Program Survivor Story: 2017 - 2019
While in The Insight Program, I cycled through manic and depressive episodes as a result of being stripped of all mental health medications and therapy. June of 2019, at almost 11 months sober, I has reached absolute rock bottom with my mental health after a chaotic visit home. I felt I was incapable of even closing my eyes without triggering a trauma flashback.
I never found any real solution.
The Insight Program Survivor Story
At 16, I was recommended by a psychiatrist to join The Insight Program. I was told it was a short term support group and it was not mandatory for me to attend. I did not think I needed to go whatsoever, but that was against my will. I was pretty open to joining once I had arrived, because of the amount of kids hanging out and smoking cigarettes. I didn’t even smoke.
Enthusiastic Sobriety Parent
I’m a parent who was involved in an Enthusiastic Sobriety program for six years. I poured all my money, time, money, energy, money, etc., into the program. While I was determined to be that-really-gnarly-program-parent (you know, so my kid wouldn’t DIE) there were incidents from time to time that put worms in my gut.