Your Clothes Don’t Matter to a Predator
FullCircle Survivor Story: 2019 - 2021
I had just gotten off work at my old job, at around 10pm. I arrived at the full circle shop after a meeting at around 10:30ish. Everyone was either going home or to hangout and there wasn’t enough cars for everyone to go to hangout, so at this point I’m just trying to go home.
I’m asking around and this one guy says I can ride with him. I had no worries as I’ve known him since I joined the group in 2019.
Everything is normal and he’s just driving, until I’m about 5 minutes from my house. He then starts caressing my chin. I’m very visibly uncomfortable and he stops.
He then parks in front of where I was getting dropped off. As I try to get out of the car he then puts his hand very high up in my thigh, and locks the doors. He keeps telling me it’s okay and to stay quiet. Eventually forcing himself on me. Grabbing my boobs even when I tell him to stop and that it’s not right. He grabs my left wrist forcing it to his crotch.
With all my strength and force I pull away. He then keeps his hand wrapped around my wrist as tight as possible and is forcibly kissing my neck, mind you I’ve been telling him to stop and trying to push him off me this whole time.
This predator was also 6’4”, 19 years old, and I was 5’6” weighing 110lbs and 16 at the time.
He proceeded to say, “You can’t control my actions. Only yours.”
Putting his hand under my shirt and bra, whilst I use my free hand to move him and push him off me. All of a sudden he stops. Unlocks the car doors, says “This will be our secret, don’t tell anyone.” I get out of the car on the verge of tears, he says “I love you” and I run up the stairs as fast as I can. I never felt so uncomfortable and hopeless in my life.
I struggled with severe depressing after this and needed severe therapy. Physical touch from anyone, is a huge no go. When I went to counselors I was told I wasn’t a whore and never have been.
I was told that whatever happened will go away and to let go and let god. I was also told that if I wanted to press charges that BEN STINCER would not come in to testify. He himself told me that face to face.
I was 16, I was wearing long black cargo pants and a long sleeve shirt and my work shirt over. I was sweaty and smelled life food from my job. Your clothes don’t matter to a predator. What matters is if you have something they want.
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