How do you talk about a cult?

How do you talk about a cult that killed so many people you loved and exploited you as a vulnerable teenager for their own profit?

How do you talk about a place that practices conversion therapy and tells you that your sexuality isn’t valid?

That blames you for your sexual assaults and your traumas?

For your friend’s deaths? A place that tears you away from your family and sends you across the country alone to work in slave conditions?

That locks you out of your social media and controls your every move, thought, people you can associate with, your life decisions and beliefs?

How do you explain going to more funerals than parties in your teenage years?

Being told to drop out of school and missing every football game, homecoming, prom…

Being set back because the troubled teen industry preys on kids like us.

Being threatened with death if you leave…

And watching enough overdoses, attending enough funerals…

That you believe it.

- Step 2 Residential Counselor: 2017 - 2020


I never found any real solution.


Rosy Tint of Nostalgia