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Enthusiastic Sobriety Abuse Alliance, Inc. is a volunteer based, survivor-lead nonprofit organization.

Our mission is to spread awareness of the patterns of abuses in Enthusiastic Sobriety Teen Drug and Alcohol Rehab Programs in order to protect potential families from years of abuse. We are collecting complaints from survivors and current members to report abuses and ethical violations to local governmental oversight agencies and state addiction counseling licensing boards.

We also strive to provide support resources and cult information to our Enthusiastic Sobriety Survivor community.

Participate in the Anonymous Mass Complaint.

This Anonymous Mass Complaint Form is open to all Group and Staff survivors from any Enthusiastic Sobriety Program. Testimonies and Data from this form will be sent to State Addiction Counseling Licensing Boards and other Governmental Oversight Agencies that regulate Intensive Outpatient Programs and Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Programs.

Tell Your Story.

Share your story to help other survivors feel heard, seen and understood. We aim to expose the consistent patterns of abuses in Enthusiastic Sobriety Programs and prevent potential families from years of suffering from undue influence and abuse under the guise of drug and alcohol treatment. Enthusiastic Sobriety Survivor stories can be submitted anonymously by former group members, staff and families.

“Treatment Shouldn’t Leave A Community of Survivors”

Craig Blake, Attorney with Utah’s Disability Law Center

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